Helpie FAQ

  • 1. Do I need to create an account for purchase?

    For ala carte purchase, you do not need to create an account but having one makes your future purchase a breeze as you do not require to enter the details once again.
    For subscription, it is mandatory to create an account as you will then be able to pre-select your meals for the upcoming weeks, edit payment mode, edit personal details, pause, skip or cancel your subscription.

  • 2. How to create my account?
    1. Click on MY ACCOUNT on the top right of the website and click REGISTER.

  • 3. How to purchase Cookin1 subscription meal kits?

    Create an account. Click on SUBSCRIPTION PLANS tab and select your preferred plan. Click CHECKOUT and enter all mandatory information including your preferred delivery date and time. Click CONTINUE TO PAYMENT and make your payment. Upon successful payment, an email with invoice will be emailed to your registered email address.

  • 4. How to select my preferred meal kits?

    Login to your account. Click on DASHBOARD, the options for each week will be displayed below the upcoming weeks information. Select your preferred meal kits for the particular week and click SUBMIT.

  • 6. Deadline for making changes to the selection of meal kits/delivery date/time.

    All changes need to be made online via your account 2 days prior to your next scheduled delivery.

  • 7. How do I skip a delivery?

    Login to your account. Click on SUBSCRIPTIONS and click on the VIEW button linked to your active subscription plan. Click on SUSPEND to pause your subscription. To resume your delivery, in the same tab, click on REACTIVATE

  • 8. How do I cancel my subscription?

    Login to your account. Click on SUBSCRIPTIONS and click on the VIEW button linked to your active subscription plan. Click on CANCEL to cancel your subscription. If you would like to subscribe back to the same plan, simply login to your account, click on the last canceled subscription order number and click RESUBSCRIBE. You will need to enter payment details once again. You may also add a new plan into your cart and check out as per new order. 

  • 5. How to change my delivery address and/or delivery date and time?

    For subscription customers, login to your account. Click on ADDRESSES & DELIVERY to update your new address.

    If you would like to change your delivery date/time permanently, click on
    ADDRESSES & DELIVERY to update your new delivery day/delivery time. However, this would not change the date and times for the upcoming deliveries of the month.

    If you would like to change them, you can do so on the individual drop-down menus on the MEALS tab of the MY ACCOUNT page. That said, our team requires 2 days prior to your next delivery day notification to make this change. 

    For ala-carte customers, please Whatsapp us at + 65 8812 5002 to request for change. We will require 2 days notice.