

General Tso’s Tofu with Broccoli and Multigrain Rice (Vegetarian) (serves 2)


General Tso’s Tofu with Broccoli and Multigrain Rice (Vegetarian) (serves 2)


Prep & Cook Time: 40 mins
Serves: 2 pax

Do you like General Tso’s Chicken dish? If so, you will definitely love this vegan dish where we replaced chicken with tofu. This dish is packed with flavours and texture that is so lip-smacking good! At Cookin1, we endeavour to bring you healthy recipes without compromising on flavours and texture. For this dish, the tofu is air fried using Mayer’s Air Oven. If you do not have an air fryer or air oven, just pop it into your regular oven or simply pan fry the tofu.

General Tso’s Tofu with Broccoli and Multigrain Rice (Vegetarian) Instruction Card


From Our Kit

1 x Firm Tofu Pack (approx. 450g)
1 x Broccoli Head (approx. 250g)
1 x Multigrain Rice Pack (160g raw weight)
2 x Garlic Cloves
2 x Chilli Padi
1 x Vegetable Oil

Combined Sauces
– Sugar
– Lao Gan Ma Black Bean Dried Chilli
– Soy Sauce
– Apple Cider Vinegar
– Corn Flour
– Vegetable Stock
– Dark Soy Sauce

From Your Kitchen

– Air Oven/Air Fryer/Convection Oven
– Frying Pan
– Rice Cooker/Pot
– Salt/Pepper (to your desired taste)
– Knife

How to cook

